Friday, March 11, 2011

Volleyball, The Talent Show and The Fall Festival...Oh My!

     I'm pretty sure that going to school full time, preparing for the talent show, coaching volleyball and now co-chairing my daughter's school fall festival will occupy all of my time for the next several months.  So friends and family, if you don't hear from me or see me, you know why.

     First, the Talent Show.  It's in May and the girl has been planning what she will do and how she will do it since last May.  Last year was her school's first talent show.  It was fabulous.  There are some talented kids at my daughter's school!  Her class sang a song and danced.  It was super cute.  The video quality isn't the greatest, but she's the girl in the dress dancing in the circle in the beginning on the left side of the stage...



     This year, she's decided that she doesn't want to share the spotlight so she'll be singing solo.  She was pretty set on doing the theme from the Ghostbusters.  After much gentle guiding away from that she agreed to do another song, but insisted it was an eighties song.  Oh my heart.  One of the million and one reasons I love that girl.  So we listened to song after song after song and then we listened to one that stopped her in her tracks and she said proudly, "That's the one!  That's MY song!!!"   And here it is...

Not only did she choose an eighties song, but she chose one of THE eighties songs.  One of my most favorite!  I cannot wait until May!

     Next volleyball.  I love coaching volleyball.  I coach my daughter's team of 7-9 year olds.  They are the funniest and cutest group of girls ever.  They are not quite Olympic level volleyballers, but we're working on it.  They haven't won a game yet, but they could care less.  They are having fun.  They're learning to play.  They're learning how to be a part of a team.  They are amazing.  Oh how I wish as adults we could hold on to some of that attitude.  Try hard, have fun, and don't put every single bit of your happiness on "winning".  Just have fun playing the game!

     Finally, the fall festival.  I've volunteered at my daughter's school pretty regularly.  Even when I was working, I made a point of scheduling days off for field trips and events.  I only recently missed my first field trip because I was in the throws of influenza.  I think I was way more bummed out than the girl was.  Anyway, though I've volunteered for stuff, I've never actually organized a big event at her school.  I got an email yesterday asking for Chairperson volunteers and I replied first and thought about it later.  It's going to be a lot of work.  It's a huge event that raises thousands of dollars for her school.  It takes tons and tons of work.  I think I'm up for the challenge though.  I hope it goes smoothly.

    So life will be hectic for a few months.  So what?  Life is always hectic.  At least this hectic is the fun kind.

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