Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Celebrities? They don't hold a candle to anti-gay marriage Republicans.

 So there's this status going around facebook that I've seen for the past couple of years, altered to keep it current, but still the same.  I only really paid attention to it and really thought deeper about it recently

Let me get this straight... Charlie Sheen can make a "porn family"; Kelsey Grammer can end a 15-year marriage over the phone; Larry King can be on divorce #9; Britney Spears had a 55-hour marriage; Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Re-post if you are proud to support equal rights

The part that bothers me the most about the quote  is that it contains all celebrities.   Celebrity marriages are generally a joke anyway and they aren't proclaiming to be concerned with the "sanctity of marriage".  So the wheels started turning.   What about the politicians that claim to be preserving the "sanctity of marriage"  all while making a laughing stock of marriage in their OWN personal lives?

Roy Blunt has consistently stated that it is necessary to ban same sex marriage because we need to protect "traditional marriage" because allowing same sex marriage will "radically change the country by destroying one of the essential building blocks of the traditional family".  Roy cheated on his wife of 35 years with a much younger woman who also happened to be a tobacco lobbyist who had contributed heavily to his campaign.  They married 6 months after the divorce. 

John Ensign stated that it was necessary to ban gay marriage in order to "preserve the most important structure in our society".  He forgot to mention that he was cheating on his wife of 20+ years repeatedly with a married campaign staff member.

Newt Gingrich thinks that there should be a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in order to protect "traditional family values".  He cheated on his first wife then told her he was leaving her while she was in a hospital undergoing cancer treatment.  He married his mistress months later.  Then he cheated on his second wife with a woman more than 20 years younger. 

The best is David Vitter and Larry Craig, who sponsored a bill to amend the constitution to ban gay marriage to protect traditional family values.  David Vitter has a long history with prostitutes.  Oh and he's married.  Larry Craig, also married, was arrested for solicitation of a male prostitute. 

I could give many, many more examples, but it's not necessary to get the point across which is this:  We straights have done a fine job of completely wrecking "traditional marriage".  We cannot allow politicians to tell us they are "protecting the sanctity of traditional marriage".  The highest rate of divorce in this country is amongst people who identify themselves as conservative Christians.  We have to stop labeling this battle against gay marriage as "protection of traditional marriage"  and just simply call it what it is...homophobia. 

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